Tattoo - The Beginning of the Body Art
Tattoo - The Beginning of the Body Art
A tattoo is a marking made by inserting ink into the skin to change the pigment for decorative or other reasons. It is said that the word tattoo has two major origins- from the Polynesian word "ta" which means striking something and from the Tahitian word "tatau" meaning to mark something. It began over 5000 years ago and tattoo is as diverse as the people who have them on their skin.
Tattoos on human are a type of decorative body modification while tattoos on animals are most commonly used for identification or branding. For Polynesian, Samoan, Tongan, etc. it is called tatau. In Tahitian, tatu. The word tatau was immediately adapted into English, the pronunciation was changed to conform to English phonology as tattoo. Sailors later introduced both the word and reintroduced the concept of tattooing to Europe. Tattoo fanatics may refer to tattoos as ink, tats, art, pieces or work. The tattooists can also be called as Artists.
Tattooing has been practiced worldwide. It has been a Eurasian practice at least since Neolithic period. Otzi the Iceman was found in the Otz valley in the Alps, dating from the 4th to 5th millennium BC, had more or less 57 carbon tattoos consisting of small dots and lines on his lower spine, on his right ankle and behind his left knee. Other mummies like the Mummy of Amunet from ancient Egypt was found dating from the end of the 2nd millennium BC bearing tattoos.
Pre-Christian Celtic, Germanic and other central and northern European tribes were often heavily tattooed, according to surviving accounts.
Tattooing in Japan is thought to go back to the Paleolithic era, some ten thousand years ago. Plenty other cultures have had their own tattoo traditions, ranging from rubbing cuts and wounds with ashes, to hand-pricking the skin to insert inks or dyes.
In the Western world today, tattooing has originated from Polynesia by 18th century explorers. It became popular among European sailors, before it became popular worldwide.
Despite the growing fascination with tattooing of the social sciences as well as the people worldwide and the immense popularity of body tattoos themselves, the practice has not left much of a historical record.
Tattoos on human are a type of decorative body modification while tattoos on animals are most commonly used for identification or branding. For Polynesian, Samoan, Tongan, etc. it is called tatau. In Tahitian, tatu. The word tatau was immediately adapted into English, the pronunciation was changed to conform to English phonology as tattoo. Sailors later introduced both the word and reintroduced the concept of tattooing to Europe. Tattoo fanatics may refer to tattoos as ink, tats, art, pieces or work. The tattooists can also be called as Artists.
Tattooing has been practiced worldwide. It has been a Eurasian practice at least since Neolithic period. Otzi the Iceman was found in the Otz valley in the Alps, dating from the 4th to 5th millennium BC, had more or less 57 carbon tattoos consisting of small dots and lines on his lower spine, on his right ankle and behind his left knee. Other mummies like the Mummy of Amunet from ancient Egypt was found dating from the end of the 2nd millennium BC bearing tattoos.
Pre-Christian Celtic, Germanic and other central and northern European tribes were often heavily tattooed, according to surviving accounts.
Tattooing in Japan is thought to go back to the Paleolithic era, some ten thousand years ago. Plenty other cultures have had their own tattoo traditions, ranging from rubbing cuts and wounds with ashes, to hand-pricking the skin to insert inks or dyes.
In the Western world today, tattooing has originated from Polynesia by 18th century explorers. It became popular among European sailors, before it became popular worldwide.
Despite the growing fascination with tattooing of the social sciences as well as the people worldwide and the immense popularity of body tattoos themselves, the practice has not left much of a historical record.
The Best Girl Full Body Tattoo - Beautiful Tattoo Design That Covers Your Whole Body

Some of the most popular tattoos girls use to cover their body include designs such as the tribal, dragonfly, dolphin, Celtic, zodiac, and butterfly. Out of all these designs the best girl full body tattoo design has to be flower pattern tattoos which is used by many women to cover up their whole back, leg, side, and other areas. Some of the most attractive flower tattoo designs include roses, daisies, lilies, sunflower, and cherry blossoms.
Posts Tagged ‘beautiful tattoos’
Los Angeles is known not only as the “City of Angels,” but as a city of enhancement. Botox, silicone, saline, one can have anything lifted and injected to achieve a personal beauty ideal. Kristen Wharton, manages to serve L.A. exceptionally well, but with a brand of ethereal beauty, and enhancement all her own. No silicone here. Her enhancement is tattoo - our favorite kind.
Kristen likes to paint and draw things. She had always been into strange and unusual people when grew up in 90’s. Many of his friends has got at least one tattoo which caught his full attention. So she often design tattoos for herself and sometimes got some tattoo kits to finish a tattoo. She is often appreciated for his unique and beautiful tattoos.
On her left wrist she got “Love” done in script with a heart below it.
On her right wrist she got “Lust” with a cutout heart and little scissors next to it, as if to say “cut here.”
The idea is that with real love, your heart is involved. With lust, it’s a cutout heart because usually (but not always) your heart isn’t involved; it’s an act of pure lust and is only physical.
Beautiful Tattoo Ideas of Girls
Many designs and images are yet to be discovered. The only medium that can provide an extreme head-to-toe makeover for a person is tattooing.The experience is much like repainting a car, except that tattoos are much more specifically targeted per area on the body.

Examples of the most prominent (tattoos) designs available for girls are remarkable in the quality of their artistic expression.
Of the best designs that have a place in tattoo culture, some of the more popular images are butterflies in motion, a female figure seeming to emerge from the hand, celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe flying while holding a heart-shaped balloon, a fire-breathing belly button dragon, and a clawing tiger on the arm.

Chest Tattoo For Women - Hot Designs and Ideas For the Best and Sexiest in Female Designs

Often one of the main reasons a person does not go and get a tattoo is lack of a design or idea. Often people have already made up their mind that they want a tattoo of some sort. They might have even chosen the location but finding the right design can be downright frustrating. The best way to go about locating a design is to take a bunch of ideas of things you have seen and like and even some possible designs and then consult with a professional tattoo artist. They will be able to easily listen to you and what you are after and then shape a design that is just right for you using the resources and ideas you bring to the table.

A chest tattoo typically covers right under the collar bone area and across the upper part of the chest. This is a rather large tattoo and a good time commitment from the person seeking the tattoo. Therefore you want to consider the design carefully and match it to fit well in the area. Typically large rectangular shapes with a slight concave of v shape to them work best. Also since chest tattoos are such classics it can often be a good to look at the classic designs out there. You can always add to the design to make it unique and your own. However, anchors, swallows, a banner and other such classic themes can easily be restyled with new ink colors and a good conversation with your tattoo artist will help easily come up with something you are going to love.

This is not meant to discourage anyone wanting to get a chest tattoo for women design however; you should know all the facts and plan for them ahead of time. One of the main considerations with chest tattoo is the professional setting you work in. Do you need to cover up tattoos and will you be able to cover it up easily? If not then you might want to look at a smaller design done a bit lower down the chest. Another consideration is the cost. Since chest tattoos are typically pretty large and often intricate pieces it can take some money to invest in such a design.
Overall chest tattoos are definitely growing in popularity. These days anything to do with women and tattoo designs is growing rapidly. Due to this rebirth of women and tattoos there have been tons of new bold design styles and ideas out there. Remember it is best not to rush the process. Instead find designs and ideas you like first. Then take you time to locate an artist that you can work easily with.
Female Tattoo Gallery
The most popular tattoo designs for women include butterfly tattoos, tribal tattoos, star tattoos, flower tattoos and fairy tattoos. The most popular tattoo spots for girls and woman are the lower back, wrists and feet. Old school tattoos are in vogue at the moment as well.
Female Tattoo Gallery

Female Fairy Tattoo

Female Tattoos

Foot Tattoo Designs For Girls

Foot tattoo designs are becoming increasingly popular among girls nowadays. The reason for its popularity is the fact that its in an area of the body where it can easily be concealed when needed. And then there's the satisfaction that it definitely look very sexy and interesting when flaunted. Nothing looks hot and flirty than stylish tattoo peeking out of one's stiletto. Girls definitely love the attention it draws to themselves.
As pretty and appealing as it is, there are several disadvantages that come with it. Designs for foot tattoos tend to be smaller in size so they take less time to ink. This pose a very potential problem to watch out for and that is ink migration. Especially since there are lot of movements in the feet area so they are more susceptible to fading and may require touch-ups in the future. The foot is also a painful part of the body to get tattooed as there are lots of nerve endings in that area plus the fact that there are less tissues to cushion the skin during tattooing process.
Small Tattoo Designs For Girls - Finding The Perfect Tattoo

If you are interested in small tattoo designs for girls, you'll find that there are a few things that you need to think about when it comes to getting the perfect design. A tattoo can be a very personal statement about yourself, and to find the perfect design, think about your own style.
Are you someone who does well with fiery colors like red and gold, or do you prefer more dreamy tones like blues and purples? Take a moment to think about what you want, and you'll be better equipped to find out about small tattoo designs for girls.
Small tattoo designs for girls can actually run the gamut when it comes to style or subject matter. For instance, one type of tattoo that is fairly popular for girls and women is the butterfly designs.
Butterflies are small and delicate... and according to certain theories, can flap their wings and cause hurricanes! Think about what message you are sending when you are looking at a butterfly design. Do you want something small and sweet, or are you interested in something with a vibrant amount of color?
You'll also find that small tattoo designs for girls can also be quite tribal and plain in nature, and if that suits you better, you should go for it. For instance, you would think that a girl who has a small snake tattooed on her ankle as being different from one who chose to put a butterfly there, even if they were the same size. If you have a bold and direct personality, think about what you can accomplish just by using things like bold black artwork.
Finding small tattoo designs for girls or at least, finding the small design that is perfect for you might take some time. Remember that the smaller a design is, the more simple it should be.
Cool Cross Tattoo Designs - Choosing Tattoo Designs For Girls

Cool cross tattoo designs are also a big favorite among girls and women who are interested to get ink done. But upon making your decision on which tattoo design to go for, there are still a couple of decisions that you got to make. First, which part of the body you would have the tattoo done and how big would the tattoo be?
With regards to placement, there are some considerations that you need to make when choosing where you would want the tattoo done. First, what is the shape of the tattoo design? Is the design triangular? Oval? Circular? Keep in mind that a horizontal tattoo design would make any part of your body that it is tattooed on appear wider. A vertical tattoo design on the other hand will make the part of the body it is tattooed on appear longer. Do you like the tattoo to be seen in public? Or would you rather keep it hidden? Would you still want to be able to wear a sexy backless dress at an office function perhaps and still be able to conceal your tattoo?
When you are inside a tattoo shop, the tattoo artist will be able to give you tips on where you can have tattoos made as well as help you choose among different flash; from cool cross tattoo designs to cute as well as discreet and dainty butterfly body art. Regardless of the design and the location of the tattoo on your body, the tattoo artist would be happy to stencil a specific design that you have already chosen.
A tattoo, ideally, must be recognizable by someone who is standing a few feet away from it. Usually tattoo artists would prefer doing a bigger tattoo rather than a small one. Bigger tattoos would give the tattoo artist more room for shading, and is actually far easier to outline and add in details. And people who get tattoos find that it is more fulfilling to get one very recognizable and striking tattoo rather than three small scattered ones.
The Best Tattoos For Girls

Some of the best tattoos for girls are the ones that are all about trends. From Japanese prints to Betty Boop and barbed-wire armbands, the motives for girl's tattoos are as varied as the girls themselves. The most popular tattoos for girls are the ones that say something about the respective female and that will have the most thought and the feeling behind each and every one.
Many people ask their tattoo designer or friends that know tattoo designers what some of the best designer tattoos for girls these days are. The answer might be surprising to both friend and the overall grouping of the gender of female.
The art of tattoos has really taken off in the past few years. From a male-dominated activity in which sailors, servicemen and motorcycle gangs had their mother's name on their shoulders, to the college freshmen girls that have a butterfly on their ankle, tattoos have come along way.
Lower Back Tattoos - Favoured Tattoo Designs For Girls

Over recent decades, the most creative tattoo designs for women seem to revolve around the lower back tattoo, despite receiving some nasty labels like "Tramp Stamp", "Bullseye Tattoo" and "Alley Tag"... In this article I'll detail some of the reasons why it remains one of the favoured body parts to tattoo, for women of all ages -- and for the men who also enjoy the view!
In order to design a tattoo that looks as good on your skin as it does on paper, it is necessary to think about WHERE the image will be placed. Your own muscle tone and structure will affect the look of the finished art, especially on arms or legs, so it is wise to seek expert advice from your tattooist regarding final drawings and perhaps modifications, before setting your heart on a design that may not work well in the area you had planned to get inked.
As I was researching my own tat ideas, I kept returning to the lower back tattoo designs for women that I'd seen. Most girls and guys would agree that even though there has been a "tramp" stereotyping of tattooed women in general, there is still something sexy and alluring about a nice female lower back tat! I also thought about how well-balanced any tattoo artwork looks when placed on a central part of the body/torso, front or back. Unlike the belly however, there are fewer bodily changes noticed on the back. This is great news for the ladies, as our bodies can go through so many physical upheavals during the course of our lives, with impending stretch marks and potential middle-age-spread less likely to damage the appearance of a design located on our back!
Another popular reason for getting tattoos on the lower back is that there may actually be less pain involved in the tattoo procedure. I had been concerned about how painful it might be, since it was my first tattoo and I have extremely sensitive skin and nerves, but I have to say it was a very mild experience! Rather than getting tattooed on a really boney or sensitive part of the body, (like the ribs, foot, ankle, underneath the upper arm, collarbones, etc) I found there is generally enough of a fleshy cover over the lower spine to diminish the pain down to a deep, yet dull, scratching sensation.
Wrist Tattoos For Girls

You should always come up with your own decisions when choosing wrist tattoos for girls. While people can give input, you should never get something just because it's a fad or trendy. I can't tell you how many people I've met that regret doing it, because fads come and go. With that said, here are wonderful style choices for wrists tattoos for girls and what to look for in the designs you see.
The most common designs would be stars, tribals, flowers, Chinese and Kanji. These are all timeless designs and you can't go wrong with any of them. You need to be aware, though, because artwork websites know how popular these designs are, so they will usually pack their pages with tons of generic stuff, while only includes a few good, original wrist tattoos for girls. You know something is generic if you see the same type of image on multiple websites, because a lot of places will just take artwork from each other.
The other thing you need to watch out for is the shading and the color of the design you end up liking. You need to know that most artwork will look completely different on your skin than it does on paper, especially if there is a lot of shading or color. Before getting any wrist tattoos for girls inked with these traits, speak to a few artists about how different they will look. You can then make any alterations you need, to ensure that you're getting a wonderful piece. This also ensures that you'll have a fully original tattoo, because you're having it redrawn, so nobody will ever have that tattoo.
Rose Tattoo Designs - The Meaning Behind the Beauty

The roses is not only famous for its romantic connotations but have been used in more aggressive situations. Two famous families in England have a rose as part of their families symbolism. The Lancaster's emblem is red rose and The York's use white roses in their coat of arms.
One of Britain's dominant parties is symbolized by red rose. (The Labor Party).
Rose tattoo designs have been used as a sign of masculinity. They are not just for women. Take the famous rock band Guns And Roses. Each of its members wears a rose incorporated with a gun.
Heart Tattoo Designs For Girls

The heart holds a special place amongst the lovers. In the same context heart tattoos have been considered as mediums of expressions of feelings and emotions. A heart tattoo has dominated the tattoo world since long time. Both male and female lovers appreciate this tattoo design and are fond of having this.
Many heart tattoos designs bear the name of a loved one in the middle.
Some heart designs would bear the name of a loved one in the middle. This means that there is a strong sense of relationship for the person. And the tattoo reminds of that person. Red colour highlights the image. So there are contrasting shades of red that would create the effect of depth and realness to the final effect.
Cherry Tattoos - Sweet and Sexy Tattoo For Women

Cherry tattoos are very popular among women mainly because its a symbol that can express their femininity and sexuality. They can usually be seen at the sexy parts of the body such as the lower hip, lower back, shoulder blade, breast and even in the groin area.
Cherries are seen as an object of lust, fertility and desire. The deep, ripe red cherry represents the fertility of a woman and the femininity of her ways. It is a symbol of purity when still hanging upon the branch. A cherry is also a slang term for a virgin, which can be another symbolic meaning associated with the tat. The type of cherry design you choose can also alter the symbolism.
Hottest Tattoo Designs For Girls and Sexy Places of Tattoos

There is no better way to express one's self than with a tattoo. But unlike in the past, society now allows girls to get tattoos just like the boys. In fact, most men find it tattoos on girls extremely sexy especially with the appropriate design and when placed at the most strategic places of the body.
When it comes to popular female tattoos, butterfly tattoos rank first in the list. There is that sense of playfulness that comes with butterfly tattoos which works well for the ladies. We all know that women, even if it is generally acceptable now to don tattoos, are quite conservative with having their skin printed with ink which is why they go for smaller and daintier tattoos. Together in the same category as butterflies are flowers, stars and fairies. They all come from a mystic realm that women often associate with fiction-wise.
Small and Sexy Tattoo Designs For Girls

Girls not only want to have fun with their tattoos, they also used them to express themselves. A hibiscus flower on the shoulder blade perhaps, a cherry blossom tattoo on the foot or a cute butterfly on the hip; whatever art she chooses, it can definitely add to her trendy and sexy persona. Here are the top small tat designs that are in the list of girls' favorites.
Butterfly will always be timeless and classic because of their versatility and flexibility not to mention the symbolical meaning attached to it that a girl can always relate to. They can be inked in full colors or just plain black and still look awesome. They can be executed with tribal or Celtic styles or combine with other elements such as flowers or vines. They are associated with change, transformation and freedom which are all part of the stages that a girl go through in her life.
Flowers are naturally pretty and attractive. With their visual appeal plus the different meanings they represent, they have become an all time favorite. The most popular ones are the roses, cherry blossoms, lilies, lotus and hibiscus. They all symbolize beauty and strength which are both empowering for a girl's character.
Sexy Lower Back Tattoos For Girls - How to Choose Unique Tattoo Designs For Your

When we hear lower back tattoos, we think sexy, feminine and appealing. Though it has been considered as trashy and labeled as "tramp stamp", its popularity is still very much alive. Numerous female tat enthusiasts are still researching about this tat theme on the net everyday in search of that perfect designs for their lower back.
Tattoo artist love working on this area since its flat and wide so there is a great room for pretty and interesting piece of body art. The kind of tattoo designs that are usually rendered on this part of the body are the ones that are wide in the center and then slowly tapers off as it extends outward. There are some cases wherein the design even wrap further towards the side or the waist. And in some instances, a simple small design tattooed on the center are also favored.
Wrist Tattoos For Girls - Will You Find Quality Art Or Generic Stuff

Many of you are shaking your head because of all the generic wrist tattoos for girls you've been seeing. Nothing good can come from staring at that cookie cutter stuff, but a whole lot of bad can happen, such as settling on one of them. 99% of people regret putting generic designs on their body, too. This is why it's absolutely crucial to see real, high quality wrist tattoos for girls, and I know how to do it.
It's not enough to see just a couple of decent design choices. You need to see bundles of them, because you need to have a nice collection in order to make the best decisions for yourself. Many people never reach that point, though, because they automatically get thrown into a huge loop of cookie cutter wrist tattoos for girls. This happens the most when you're attempting to use search engines to surf the web for tats. It's best to toss them to the side, because their lists have become so awful recently. They never, ever supply you with lists of the better, higher quality galleries.
Sexy and Cute Tattoo Designs For Girls

Are you looking for sexy and cute tattoo designs for girls? You come to the right location because we have some of the best ideas to think about when trying to turn on the opposite sex! Imagine if you will having that perfect little sexy tattoo that will only add to your spontaneous cuteness and drive the guys wild! This is the reason why you want a sexy and cute tattoo design for cuteness- options right? Sexy and cute tattoos do not have to be rooted in outlandish secularism! By no means should they speak anything about your character only add to the aesthetic beauty and cuteness factor that you are trying so hard to emulate.
We can start off with describing some of the cutest areas for tattoos on a curvy-woman. The ankle tattoos are red-hot and are highly recommended since these are also easy to conceal in a business work environment setting. Many of the best ankle tattoo designs are of course smallish in nature but are big and hard in design options. There can be a map or the State that has the most memories held for the little girl's heart. Another choice could be a unicorn or even some other mythical creature such as flying hearts or even lightning bolt's!
As long as the tattooed area is the ankles then what is placed upon that angelic location is of little regard. This is what's interesting about people who think the ankle tattoos are sexy because of what the tattoo symbolizes. If that was the case then only the wearer and a few select people who perceived to agree that object are saying to be sexy and cute would see that the 'turn on button' would be on full alert!
Aside from the ankles for great tattoo designs locations there is also the wrist and the all-important stomach region. There are not too many men in this world that do not feel that a shapely woman's stomach area with a heart or even a ball and chain does not screen sexuality. Trust this guy it does and dependent upon the woman and the tastefulness of the tattoo can be an open and discussion able topic that can break the ice almost instantaneously. Once more, let's make certain that politeness and honor are respected here and especially when in the presence of a woman you do not even know.
Tattoos For Girls - The Best Designs and Where to Find Them

The tattoo trend has bit the fashion-conscious people big time and the girls are not an exception either. Initially when the tattooing business started picking up pace, the girls were a bit hesitant to get one for them. Only boys and men and some rebellious and eccentric looking girls used to have a tattoo on their body
Cute Girl Tattoos - An Extremely Quick Way to Find High Quality Artwork

If you aren't finding many cute girl tattoos, that's because of all the generic stuff you're running in to. You don't want to spend too much time staring at that cookie cutter junk, because people that do it will usually end up settling on one of them. Just about all of these folks will regret it, too. I won't bother you with sob stories, though, because I want to share the quickest way to uncover huge collections of cute girl tattoos.
It's all about quality and originality when it comes to tattoo art. Without those two traits, the design you pick will be very, very generic. The problem right now is that 95% of females only find galleries that are stuffed with that cookie cutter stuff. Do you have any guesses as to why that's happening? It's actually a lot simpler than you might think. It's because our good friends, search engines, keep directing us right to those horrible galleries. That's all you get from their lists when you use them to find cute girl tattoos. It's just one generic laced gallery after another, while the higher quality artwork sites are left out.
You have a very good shot at finding all of those wonderful places, though, and you do it by using the assistance of any larger type of forum. If you pick one of the biggest forums and slide into their archives, you'll be blown away by how many information filled topics about tattoo artwork that are stuffed in there. Just pick out a couple of the larger ones and leisurely skim the posts, because that's what will lead you to so many cute girl tattoos. It's where people are helping each other out by sharing names and links of the amazing galleries they've been lucky enough to find recently and you reap the benefits.
Lower Back Tattoos - Favoured Tattoo Designs For Girls

Over recent decades, the most creative tattoo designs for women seem to revolve around the lower back tattoo, despite receiving some nasty labels like "Tramp Stamp", "Bullseye Tattoo" and "Alley Tag"... In this article I'll detail some of the reasons why it remains one of the favoured body parts to tattoo, for women of all ages -- and for the men who also enjoy the view!
In order to design a tattoo that looks as good on your skin as it does on paper, it is necessary to think about WHERE the image will be placed. Your own muscle tone and structure will affect the look of the finished art, especially on arms or legs, so it is wise to seek expert advice from your tattooist regarding final drawings and perhaps modifications, before setting your heart on a design that may not work well in the area you had planned to get inked.
As I was researching my own tat ideas, I kept returning to the lower back tattoo designs for women that I'd seen. Most girls and guys would agree that even though there has been a "tramp" stereotyping of tattooed women in general, there is still something sexy and alluring about a nice female lower back tat! I also thought about how well-balanced any tattoo artwork looks when placed on a central part of the body/torso, front or back. Unlike the belly however, there are fewer bodily changes noticed on the back. This is great news for the ladies, as our bodies can go through so many physical upheavals during the course of our lives, with impending stretch marks and potential middle-age-spread less likely to damage the appearance of a design located on our back!
Another popular reason for getting tattoos on the lower back is that there may actually be less pain involved in the tattoo procedure. I had been concerned about how painful it might be, since it was my first tattoo and I have extremely sensitive skin and nerves, but I have to say it was a very mild experience! Rather than getting tattooed on a really boney or sensitive part of the body, (like the ribs, foot, ankle, underneath the upper arm, collarbones, etc) I found there is generally enough of a fleshy cover over the lower spine to diminish the pain down to a deep, yet dull, scratching sensation.
Tattoos For Girls - The Best Designs

The tattoo trend has bit the fashion-conscious people big time and the girls are not an exception either. Initially when the tattooing business started picking up pace, the girls were a bit hesitant to get one for them. Only boys and men and some rebellious and eccentric looking girls used to have a tattoo on their body.
But now girls too sport a tattoo design on their body and they feel that it makes them look very fashionable and trendy. Though the tattoos initially were used to recognize a community, it became more common and socially acceptable as lot of celebrities and household names started publicly sporting one and most of them were women too. The women were mostly models, pop artists, athletes, etc. Tattoos for girls are available in different shapes and designs and we would look at some of them in this article.
A Tattoo For Girls to Avoid

This was all the rage for many years. Thousands and thousands of girls jumped on this bandwagon and got low back tattoos because it was the "in thing". It became major trendy. And this was the downfall of the low back tat.
There were a lot of advantages to this style: it was safe and easy to cover up. One didn't have to see it every day, which lessened some of the psychological risks with getting ink. It was sort of like a tattoo which you could carry in your back pocket, and take it out when you wanted by wearing a high cut tee and low cut jeans.
But what was unfortunately seen as the biggest advantage to this style, was that it was the in thing to do. But being popular leads to being played out. And this leads to mock.
Now days the lower back tat on girls is referred to as a "tramp stamp". This came about because of the trendy nature of the style. Everyone and their sister was jumping on the trendy bandwagon and getting low back's to try and look cute and cool. This overabundance of trend and underabundance of originality, led to the universal term for lower back ink on girls as being coined tramp stamps.
Now days, this is a tattoo for girls to avoid, unless you honestly have your heart set on this location and are doing so out of true desire and not trendy jumping on the bandwagon "I want to look cool" desire. That train's been ridden.
Tattoos should be all about originality. That has become difficult to do as ink popularity has drastically risen in the last decade. Always try to seek out high quality work, which means something to you personally. There are many outlets on the internet which allow you to research high quality designs, learn their meaning, and ultimately find the best tattoo design that speaks to you personally, and not to the popularity of the moment.
List of Ideas Tattoos For Girls

Most of the people around the world are trying conveying the message to the world. The message is belonging to their character and personality. For this instance, they are using their body as a canvas to print designs on them. Especially for those girls who want to become an icon for fashion, definitely they need these designs on their body. Most of these designs are small and look pretty, and they are very delicate. In most of the times, the designs for girls are more aggressive rather than men designs. These girls' designs are full sleeve designs, and they look cool and attractive. All of these arts are symbolic and has some deeper meaning. However, there are so many tattoo ideas are there for girls, and what they are reveling.
Most of the girls are interested to print star designs on their body and these logos are treated as the oldest symbols in both the science and more of the religions too. When it comes to supernatural meaning, most of these designs are very popular in girl's tattoo's segment. There are so many wide ranges of designs like shooting stars; nautical star, moon start and many more are there, which have a significant meaning. The next and beautiful design is flowering tattoos. These are also one of the oldest tattoos, which are available for you. Many girls are interested to opt for these floral designs because these designs symbolize subtlety, beauty and youth. The Rose tattoos are very famous and popular in these flower designs. Most of these tattoos are reporting information about love, romance and grace. Some other flowers include lotus, sunflower, hibiscus, lily and many more to do.
The next important one in this tattoos design is tribal tattoos and these tattoos are very popular and in these days. Most of these tribal tattoo's designs are according to tribal communities, and they are reflecting the myth, religion and values of the tribal community. Celtic, Polynesian, Hawaiian, Native American tattoo designs are most important that girls choose. If you want to show your love, then the heart tattoos are one of the best and this one treated as a symbol of romantic love. Most of the girls are interested to design hearth tattoos with the name of their lover written across it. Butterfly tattoos, Angel's tattoos for girls are some other, important and popular. Finally, there are some well established and experienced web sites are offering these girl tattoo ideas for their valuable clients
List of Ideas Tattoos For Girls

Most of the people around the world are trying conveying the message to the world. The message is belonging to their character and personality. For this instance, they are using their body as a canvas to print designs on them. Especially for those girls who want to become an icon for fashion, definitely they need these designs on their body. Most of these designs are small and look pretty, and they are very delicate. In most of the times, the designs for girls are more aggressive rather than men designs. These girls' designs are full sleeve designs, and they look cool and attractive. All of these arts are symbolic and has some deeper meaning. However, there are so many tattoo ideas are there for girls, and what they are reveling.
Most of the girls are interested to print star designs on their body and these logos are treated as the oldest symbols in both the science and more of the religions too. When it comes to supernatural meaning, most of these designs are very popular in girl's tattoo's segment. There are so many wide ranges of designs like shooting stars; nautical star, moon start and many more are there, which have a significant meaning. The next and beautiful design is flowering tattoos. These are also one of the oldest tattoos, which are available for you. Many girls are interested to opt for these floral designs because these designs symbolize subtlety, beauty and youth. The Rose tattoos are very famous and popular in these flower designs. Most of these tattoos are reporting information about love, romance and grace. Some other flowers include lotus, sunflower, hibiscus, lily and many more to do.
The next important one in this tattoos design is tribal tattoos and these tattoos are very popular and in these days. Most of these tribal tattoo's designs are according to tribal communities, and they are reflecting the myth, religion and values of the tribal community. Celtic, Polynesian, Hawaiian, Native American tattoo designs are most important that girls choose. If you want to show your love, then the heart tattoos are one of the best and this one treated as a symbol of romantic love. Most of the girls are interested to design hearth tattoos with the name of their lover written across it. Butterfly tattoos, Angel's tattoos for girls are some other, important and popular. Finally, there are some well established and experienced web sites are offering these girl tattoo ideas for their valuable clients
Tattoo Ideas For Girls

Tattoos have grown in popularity over the past 10 years. The idea that tattoos are rebellious, shocking or reflect a girls moral character have dissolved. The popularity of tattoos has increased and so has their acceptance. This is due largely to an increase in celebrities happily sporting them. It is estimated that thirty six percent of those ages 18 to 25 have at least one tattoo and forty percent of people ages 26 to 40 have at least one tattoo. With that being said it is still true that more men than women have tattoos.
Tattoos for girls are typically more feminine in nature. They are generally smaller and more delicate with thinner lines and are usually isolated to one or two parts of the body. Almost like accessories or accent pieces. The most popular spot for girls to get tattoos are the lower back, left shoulder, ankle, upper breast or bikini area. The lower back is a popular spot because it is not always shown but can be flashed. The shoulder is also a sought after spot. The left shoulder is traditionally known as the feminine shoulder and a tattoo there can be a great accent when wearing tank tops or halter tops. Ankle tattoos are cute and many girls are now getting tattoos on the top of the foot or small delicate ones on their toes. They are a great accent when wearing sandals or flip-flops. Like the lower back tattoo, tattoos on the upper breast or bikini area can be hidden.
Some tattoo ideas for girls that are feminine and have a long history include: sun, flower, angel wings, fairy, star, butterfly, Celtic and Zodiac symbols, dolphin, rose, and heart. Although traditional, these tattoo ideas are always unique by meaning to the person wearing them, and most tattoo artists are happy to create a one-of-a-kind design.
Popular Tattoo Designs for Girls

Girls are always asking me what tattoos they should get or what I think are the hottest tattoos for girls. Unfortunately there is no clear cut answer simply because there are as many different types of tattoos are there are girls. What one person might find sexy another might consider unattractive or very unfeminine.
Certain styles of tattoos might not suit the image you want to project. For example certain work environments may not accept highly visible tattoos even though tattoos are becoming more and more accepted. It may be wise to hold off getting that sacred heart tattoo emblazoned across your chest if your boss is going to flip out if (s)he sees it!
So in saying that what I hope to do in this short article is offer my insight and experience within the tattoo industry for the past 9 or 10 years and point out the current tattoo trends and what the most popular styles of tattoos are for girls. At the end of the day you want a tattoo that has lasting appeal and not a tattoo that was done on a whim. If I give you some good ideas for your next tattoo all the better...
Trends come and go. What was cool ten years ago is no longer cool. In the nineties certain types of tattoos such as cartoon characters like Betty Boop, barbed wire armbands and dolphins were in. Looking at them now they appear very cheesy and basic.
Tattoo art has come such a long way in the past few years even. Certain styles of tattoos have become perennial and have risen to a point where they are getting the respect and acknowledged they deserve for their intricacy and artistry.
Styles as diverse as Japanese tattoos, Indian/Hindu tattoos, Anime, Traditional American and Floral designs are raising the bar higher and higher and becoming increasingly popular.
Alongside that is the fact that people are beginning to see their skin as a human canvas and not just settling for random tattoos placed haphazardly on a part of the body that is hidden. Nowadays more and more girls are getting larger tattoos and more of them.
This may explain the popularity of Japanese tattoos. In traditional Japanese tattoos each character has a meaning and interacts with the other tattoo designs as part of the whole.
The same is true for Traditional American tattoos. Previously what were once done as individual tattoos from disparate elements of American culture are now being woven into an organic and is more like a story unfolding.
Accentuate Your Body With a Sexy Tattoo Design

Tattoos, which are largely popular today can be an accessory to spice up one's looks. Women, in particular, are often closely associated with sexy tattoo designs. These designs are tattooed in various parts of the body - some exposed to the public eye while other sexy tat designs are tattooed discreetly in parts that remain shielded from the prying eyes.
The options are aplenty where sexy tat designs are concerned. Still, the crop of women tend to largely associate tat designs that are colored with sexiness. For instance, a large rose tattoo with bright red colors on its petals, green for its leaves and brown/black for its stem/thorns is widely regarded as sexy. Having mentioned that, where sexy tattoo designs are concerned, many have the notion that apart from the designs in itself, the placement of these tattoos in itself are equally important.
As we mentioned earlier, sexy tattoos that are tattooed on different parts of the body will give out different messages or different levels of sexiness for that matter. As an example, women who choose to get tattoos on their breast and chest are are said to be romantic. On the other hand, tattoos that are done on the more intimate areas of the woman's body such as the inner thigh is said to ooze high in the level of sexiness. The reason for this is, as we mentioned early in the article, rarely seen by most people other than those that have c close, intimate and sexy relationship.
What this means is the issue of sexy tat designs is largely debatable and one that largely depends on the individual getting the tattoo. It comes down to the choice of whether the bearer intends the sexy tat design to be appreciated by the public or reserved for a special someone.
In addition, as sexy tat designs becomes increasingly popular and complement a host of different popular fashion, style and trends, more women are getting these tattoos to go with their hair, top, handbag and other fashionable accessories. With that in mind, an experience tattoo artist will be able to give suggestions and recommendations regarding the perfect sexy tattoo designs to obtain in order to complement a specific fashion, style or/and trend that is currently hot.
The above is only a guide for you to get your sexy tattoo designs that would suit you most. Getting the perfect sexy tattoo design will accentuate your body features and can make you look sexier than you would otherwise be without them.
Most Popular Tattoos For Girls

A variety of tattoos art designs are easily available to first time tattoo bearers and one of the biggest decision one can make is choosing among the hundreds of thousands of available tattoo art designs. There are literally too many choices that one can simply get lost looking at each design and trying to get some sort of connection to it by internalizing and feeling every image design. A list of the most popular tattoos art designs can help you narrow down your choices. By focusing on these famous ones, perhaps you can find something that can truly represent your spirit and character.